You don’t have to live in the CTHOA very long to realize that parking is a huge problem
in our neighborhood! As you know, every home has a 2 car garage. All residents are
encouraged to use their garages for parking, as street parking is very limited.
Street Sweeping
The streets within the CTHOA are swept by the City of Cypress every Monday morning
between the hours of 8:00am and 12:00pm. During those hours parking on the streets
is not permitted, and are subject to a citation from the City of Cypress Police Dept.
On the following holidays, streets may be swept, but citations will not be issued:
New Year’s Day | Martin Luther King Jr. Day | President’s Day |
Memorial Day | 4th of July | Labor Day |
Columbus Day | Veterans Day | Day before Thanksgiving |
Thanksgiving | Christmas Eve | Christmas |
The alleys are owned by both the City of Cypress and the CTHOA. Residents are
allowed to park their vehicles in front of their garages on a temporary basis—and not
for an extended period— for the purpose of washing them, or for loading and
unloading. At all times, vehicle owners should maintain visual contact with their vehicle
and garage.
Residents are advised to communicate these restrictions to their guests, as they too will
be subject to a citation.
Any vehicle that is parked in any CTHOA alley is subject to the following:
**A citation from the City of Cypress Police
**A fine from the CTHOA—If a renter is parked in an alley, the owner of the Property will be fined.
**Towing—with the homeowner being responsible for any fees from the towing company
Reserved Parking
There are 29 Reserved Parking spaces throughout the CTHOA. These spaces are reserved for RVs, trailers, or boats. If spaces are available cars and trucks may be assigned a space. There is normally a long wait list, however if you would like to have your name added to the waiting list, contact the Manager. The guidelines for the
Reserved Parking spaces are as follows:
**To be eligible for a Reserved Parking Space, a resident must be able to park at least one vehicle in their garage, and does so.
**The parking space shall be used for vehicle (DMV definition) parking only. No other items may be stored in the space.
**Only vehicles named on the completed “Reserved Parking” form may be parked in the assigned space. Do not allow your visitors to park in the Reserved Space.
**To be approved for a Reserved Parking Space, the owner of the vehicle must provide a current DMV registration and proof of insurance in the name of the resident. The CTHOA will ask each user to update the information every year.
If a different vehicle is parked in the Reserved Parking Space, current information for that vehicle must be provided.
**A vehicle that is parked in a Reserved Parking Space must be “road worthy” at all times. No flat tires, etc.
**Vehicles with an expired registration or an inoperable registration are not allowed.
**Spaces are limited to one per household.
**Any resident who is issued a Reserved Parking Space must maintain his/her account with the CTHOA in current status. A homeowner whose dues are delinquent for 60 days or more, or is habitually delinquent in paying their dues, may not be assigned to a space, or may lose the use of the Reserved Parking space if they are currently assigned to one.
If the assignee is a tenant, the homeowner of the unit must comply with this
**All residents who have been assigned to a Reserved Parking Space are responsible to keep the space free of trash, debris or any other items.
**Vehicles that are assigned to a Reserved Parking Space must move the vehicle at least once every six months. (and this doesn’t mean to drive it around the block!)
If the vehicle is not moved on a regular basis, the space may be revoked.
**The spaces are not to be used as permanent storage areas.
**Enclosures that do not allow the vehicle to be seen may not be built around the vehicle.