The RV parking spots are available on a first come-first-served basis for those residents who need to park an RV, boat, or trailer. If spots are still available, cars may be assigned a spot on a first come first-served basis subject to the following rules:
**To be eligible for a Reserved Parking Space, a resident must be able to park at least one vehicle in their garage, and does so.
**The parking space shall be used for vehicle (DMV definition) parking only.
No other items may be stored in the space.
**Only ONE VEHICLE named on the completed “RV Parking” form may be parked in the assigned space.
**Only vehicles named on the completed “Reserved Parking” form may be parked in the assigned space. Do not allow your visitors to park in the Reserved Space.
**To be approved for a Reserved Parking Space, the owner of the vehicle must provide a current DMV registration and proof of insurance in the name of the resident. The CTHOA will ask each user to update the information every year. If a different vehicle is parked in the Reserved Parking Space, current information for that vehicle must be provided.
**A vehicle that is parked in a Reserved Parking Space must be “road worthy” at all times. No flat tires, etc. Vehicles with an expired registration or an inoperable registration are not allowed.
**Spaces are limited to one per household.
**Any resident who is issued a Reserved Parking Space must maintain his/her account with the CTHOA in current status. A homeowner whose dues are delinquent for 60 days or more, or is habitually delinquent in paying their dues, may not be assigned to a space, or may lose the use of the Reserved Parking space if they currently are assigned to one.If the assignee is a tenant, the homeowner of the unit must comply with this condition.
**All residents who have been assigned to a Reserved Parking Space are responsible to keep the space free of trash, debris or any other items.
**Vehicles that are assigned to a Reserved Parking Space must move the vehicle at least once every six months. (and this doesn’t mean to drive it around the block!) If the vehicle is not moved on a regular basis, the space may be revoked.
**The spaces are not to be used as permanent storage areas.
**Enclosures that do not allow the vehicle to be seen may not be built around the vehicle.